“Autumn Skye’s visionary artwork reveals hidden spiritual forces and embodies the noble beauty of transformative inspiration. The clarity of line and form in her work is drawn from the depths of a mystic heart that sees the potential of humanity in a sacred world.”
–Alex Grey, Visionary Artist, CoSM
Photo by Adam Ziorio
“Art is simultaneously trivial and essential. A painting is simply just colourful mud smeared on fabric, pretty and frivolous for our amusement. Paradoxically, art also has the potential to move mountains. Art can heal emotional trauma, cure illness, bring renewed vitality, and cultivate joy. It can awaken and empower both the artist and viewer, connecting straight to the emotional subconscious. It can shine light on critical issues and be a grounding touchstone of beauty in an otherwise bleak landscape. It can start revolutions, shift paradigms, and present paths forward toward wholeness.
Throughout history, society has looked to the arts to guide and inspire our personal and cultural narratives. Now, while the world is at the precipice of monumental change, artworks can be maps to help usher humanity forward into positive ways of seeing and being.
At moments of reckoning, I believe more than ever in the importance of art. In my bones dwells a sacred duty to play my small part in this collective awakening. Art propels me out of bed in the morning, whispering me awake with purpose. Since my earliest memories, I have felt a creative fire in my belly and an unyielding mission to share inspiration with the world. By learning to listen, I have come to trust the mysterious compass of the heart to navigate both my imagination and my life. I am continually humbled and empowered by the potent teachings of the visionary process.
For your journey, I offer this artwork ~ a gift from spirit, through my heart and hands, to you. May these reflections inspire your own inner knowing, authentic creativity, and resilient spirit.”
~ Autumn Skye
Autumn Skye lives, breathes, and dreams art, and has done so since she was old enough to hold a pencil and reach for a piece of paper. Her childhood and early adult years were spent travelling the landscapes of both her wild Canadian backyard and distant international shores. Through her wanderlust, she developed a deep reverence for the beauty of nature and the diversity of humanity, and continuously endeavours to translate this inspiration through her work.
As a self-taught artist, she is forever a student of the intuitively creative process. Autumn Skye’s style weaves together refined realism, iconic imagery, archetypical symbolism, and spiritual principles. She’s inspired by the magnificence of this incredible planet, the potency of these extraordinary times, and the mysteries of the cosmos. Through her work, she seeks to honour the resiliency of the human spirit and the intricate connections between all facets of life.
Autumn Skye exhibits and teaches worldwide, and otherwise thrives and paints in the beautiful temperate-rainforest of coastal British Columbia, Canada. Considering herself immensely blessed to do what feeds her soul, she strives to support others through creative empowerment, the gift of beauty, and the perpetuation of inspiration.